Change the course of your online experience with personalized assistance to gain greater confidence and expertise in your field.

Thank you for purchasing my
12-Week Group/Personalized Coaching Program

You will be notified within 72 hours of where and when
you can access the coaching program.

Please be watching for a personal email
from Walter Nigh with additional information.

Your purchase includes:

Weekly Coaching in a small group setting

(No more than 10 - via Zoom and/or Skype).

Includes: 4 Private, 1-on-1 Coaching sessions

with First Steps Online Author, Walter Nigh.

Assistance in setting up and activating an online program.

Your purchase also includes:

Free access to 1 additional Work with Walt Training course of your choice,
accessible at membership site.

Thanks again and I look forward to working together with you and
our future conversations about online marketing.

Walter Nigh